What can happen if I leave my husb for a few days to think?
I am sorry that we cannot specifically talk about consequences that may happen in your particular situation but in general, some issues that may arise when someone leaves the home may be concerns about being “locked out” and concerns about his/her children. Although I am not specifically familiar with your state’s housing laws, generally, in many states, a person cannot just “kick someone out” of a home and change the locks once that person has lived there for more than a certain amount of time. If a person does lock someone out of the home, the victim may be able to go to the police to report that that s/he was illegally evicted. The police might make the homeowner let the victim back in the home or may take other actions such as arresting the person, for example. I can’t say what the laws in your state say about illegal eviction but if you are in this situation, you may want to talk to an attorney to find out what your rights are. In general, a court order due to a divorce, restraining order, or eviction order can remove a person from his/her home, although a divorce and eviction take much longer than a few days to accomplish.
Another issue that a person may be worried about if s/he leaves his/her children with a spouse for a few days is whether or not the spouse may try to go to court and falsely allege that the spouse abandoned the children and file for custody, or something of the sort. I do not know the type of relationship that you have with your spouse or if you even have children together or not but if you are concerned that your spouse may try to go to court to file something against you if you leave for a few days, you may want to talk to a lawyer before leaving to get some advice about anything specific that you should do or say prior to leaving. Here is a link for lawyers if you want advice: LINK
Also, although you didn’t ask about this, here is some basic information about divorce in STATE if the time ever comes that you are considering it: LINK