Is property purchased after separation separate or marital property?
In most states, property that is purchased after a documented date of separation is considered separate property if it was bought with the person’s own funds (as opposed to marital, joint money). However, I cannot specifically speak to your situation since I am not specifically knowledgeable about STATE laws. In order to get advice, you would need to speak to a STATE divorce attorney - you may want to ask the attorney what steps you can take to properly document that the property was bought after the separation and with separate funds. Here is a link to lawyers, some of which may be low-cost or free if you qualify:LINK Also, I tried to see if I could find some information on the Internet for you from a legal services website - I found this site, which speaks to this topic but please know that we are not affiliated with them and I cannot vouch for how accurate the information is: [ GOOGLE THE STATE AND THE TERM PROPERTY PURCHASED AFTER SEPARATION TO SEE IF YOU FIND ANTYHING]