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What property can my spouse take from the home when he moves out?

Generally, the division of marital property is something that is decided in the divorce. Often times, parties agree on what objects will go to whom - either on their own or through their attorneys when settling a case. Sometimes, even if one spouse takes items prior to settling a divorce that the other party wants, the other party may be able to ask for those items back as part of the divorce. Or if one party wants to stop the other from removing items s/he believes that party does not have the right to, it may be possible to file an injunction or a restraining order of some sort within the divorce proceeding to ask the judge to order that party be prohibited from removing the items. I do not know the specific way this is handled in your state or if this is something that is commonly done. You may want to talk to a divorce lawyer to ask. Here is a link for lawyers:LINK and here is some basic, general info on divorce in case that is useful:LINK