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I owned the home before the marriage. Is spouse entitled to part of the house?

NOTE TO STUDENT, THIS APPLIES TO EQUITABLE DISTRIBUTION STATES - FIRST GOOGLE TO CONFIRM IF THE STATE IS AN EQUITABLE DISTRIBUTION STATE (AS OPPOSED TO A COMMUNITY PROPERTY STATE). Generally, in states that have the “equitable distribution of property” standard, such as STATE, property that was brought into the marriage by one person or inherited in the name of only one spouse is not subject to equitable distribution. However, in many states, with a home that is the property of only one spouse, the other spouse may be entitled to a portion of the equity that was gained on the house during the marriage. So if both spouses improved the house, etc., for example, the increase in value may be divided equitably in a divorce. Again, I am not speaking specifically about STATE laws and I cannot advise you in any way about your particular situation. For specific advice, you can talk to a divorce attorney in your state to ask – here is a link for lawyers:LINK And here is some basic divorce info from our website in case that is useful: LINK