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Custody & Kidnapping

.If the mother is breastfeeding, can father get visitation?*

Although I am not specifically familiar with STATE laws on this issue, generally, many judges will allow fathers to get visitation and/or custody with infants who are breastfeeding. In those cases, it may be the case that the mother pumps breastmilk to give to the father during the visits or perhaps the father will feeds the child formula while the child is in his care. I don’t know if what the child is given during the visits (pumped breastmilk versus formula) would be something that could be negotiated between the parents in a custody/visitation agreement or if the mother has a strong preference for the child to only drink breastmilk. Perhaps this may be something that a mother may be able to ask to be included as part of the custody/visitation order. You may want to talk to a STATE custody lawyer to try to figure out the best way to handle this in your case and to see how STATE law deals with this issue. Here is a link for lawyers: LINK and here is a link with general STATE custody info in case that is useful: LINK