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Custody & Kidnapping

.What information does the A have to provide to me by law to take the child out of state?

Although I am not specifically familiar with [STATE] laws, I don’t know if there would actually be a “law” that addresses this. It may be something that could be addressed in court during a custody case or negotiated between the parents.

Does your court order say anything about this? Perhaps you may want to look to your court custody order to see if it addresses this issue about going out of state. If it does say that the other parent needs to provide you with an address/phone of where they are going within a certain time before leaving and s/he doesn’t, you may want to ask an attorney if you’d be within your rights to refuse to let them go without that information. However, if the custody order doesn’t address it, you may want to ask an attorney if s/he may not be a violating the order if s/he doesn’t provide you with this info.

If the order doesn’t address the issue and you don’t think the other parent would willingly give you that information, you may want to ask an attorney if you could file in court to try to modify the visitation order to include that s/he has to provide you with whatever information you feel is necessary for you to have while they are out of state. If the other parent objects to this, it may be up to the judge to decide whether that should be included in the order or not.

However, as I said, I am not specifically familiar with [STATE] laws so you may want to ontact a lawyer in [STATE] who knows custody laws and who can look at your custody order and specifically advise you on this. S/he may also be able to tell you how successful you would be if you went to court to try to amend the order. Here is a link to lawyers, free and paid: [LINK]