V asks if can go on vacation with child after custody case is filed
Although I cannot specifically talk about your situation, it is the case in many states that once a divorce or custody case is filed, both parents may be prohibited from removing the child from the jurisdiction (the state). Sometimes this may be written on the papers that are filed and served or sometimes a judge may orally tell the parties. However, I don’t know what your state’s rules are about this and whether or not this type of prohibition exists once a custody case is filed. Hopefully, an attorney who is familiar with custody law in STATE could tell you.
However, sometimes even if something is generally not permitted, a person may be able to ask for special permission from the judge on the case to do the act that is prohibited. So, again, I cannot speak to you situation but perhaps if you do talk to an attorney, and if the attorney tells you that leaving the state is not permitted, you may want to ask the attorney whether or not you can file some sort of motion or legal papers to get back in front of the court to ask the judge for specific permission to go. Here is a link for lawyers, free and paid:LINK
[ADD THIS IF RELEVANT: Also, I couldn’t tell from your email if you are planning on not leaving the state or vacationing in the state. If you are within the same state, perhaps you may want to ask an attorney as to whether or not this may present any sort of problem or not.]
Lastly, in case it is useful, here is some information on custody proceedings in STATE: LINK