Do I need my husband's permission to take the kids on vacation?
Generally, the main reason that someone would want permission in writing is because they worry that the other parent will accuse them of kidnapping the children or will go to court to file for emergency custody alleging that the other parent wrongly fled with the children. If a parent worries about any of these things happening, then they would want to get the other parent’s clear consent in writing, such as in a text or email. This way, if they were approached by the police, or if the other parent filed for custody alleging that the children were missing, they could prove they had that parent’s written permission to go and hopefully get the case against them dropped. Also, along those lines, it’s often helpful for the parent who is taking the children to respond in writing with a clear date of when they will be home, even sending pictures of the return trip plane tickets if there are any. Again, this could bolster a case in court for the parent who is accused of taking the children to prove that the parent who didn’t go on vacation knew when the children would be returned.
If you have more specific questions about your situation, you may want to consult with a lawyer. We link to free legal services on our website.HYPERLINK Talking to a lawyer would be especially important if you are planning to leave country with the children or if your vacation is more than a brief trip to make sure you don’t risk violating any laws against parental kidnapping.