Married dad says mom won't let him see the child
In general, many states assume married parents to have equal rights to a child so that either parent may be able to have the child with him/her. However, if parents cannot agree on a way to split the time with the child, often, one parent may decide to file for custody or visitation. Although I cannot speak to STATE laws in particular, in general, custody petitions can be filed even before a divorce is started. Here is some information on custody in STATE so you can read a bit about it if you decide to file. [HYPERLINK]
Also, depending on the state law, in some states it may be criminal custodial interference if one parent conceals/hides a child from another parent. I cannot speak to your state’s laws on this but perhaps you may want to get legal advice to find out if your wife’s actions are permitted or not according to your state’s laws and to get advice on what steps to take - also, if you do file for custody or visitation, having a lawyer represent you can help. You can find free and low cost lawyers on our website. [HYPERLINK]