.What documentation do I need to leave country with my child?
Although we don’t have any information about this topic on our WomensLaw.org website, often times, the rules regarding what a parent needs to travel alone with a child depend on what the airport security or customs officers require. In other words, the actual practice and procedures of the officers at the particular airport where the person is traveling from. For example, some states’ airports may require a notarized statement from the other parent allowing the trip, along with details including parties’ names, the child’s name, the trip dates, etc.; other states may accept a copy of the birth certificate with the parent’s name on it; others may accept a custody order proving legal custody (if that is the case); and others may not require any of those. I did a bit of research for you on the Internet and found this information on the US Customs and Border Control website regarding a parent traveling alone with a child so you can see what they recommend: https://help.cbp.gov/app/answers/detail/a_id/268/~/children—child-trav… and here is a bit more information from US Homeland Security’s website on this topic:http://www.dhs.gov/how-do-i/travel-overseas Perhaps you may also be able to contact the airport ahead of time to find out what is required.