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Custody & Kidnapping

V signed out-of-court temp custody over to another person (through power of atty or other notarized doc) and wants to revoke it

Although I cannot speak to the specific laws in your state, in general, in most situations, powers of attorney that are voluntarily given may be revoked (canceled) by the person who gave the power of attorney. Some powers of attorney agreements may say in it how it should be revoked or it may say when it expires. I don’t know what the one you signed looked like and I couldn’t advise you on it even if I did see it because we can’t give out legal advice. Unfortunately, we do not have information on this on our website but perhaps you may be able to contact an attorney to ask how you can cancel that power of attorney and how you can go about getting your child back. An attorney may be able to tell you whether or not you can take your child on your own, what to do if the other person objects, and/or whether you may need to go to court to file for custody, etc – I don’t know what steps are needed. Here is a link for lawyers:LINK and here is a link for custody in case you need to read about custody proceedings: LINK