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Custody & Kidnapping

.Therapist asks if mom with joint custody can enroll child in therapy or does therapist need dad's consent?

I am not specifically familiar with how [STATE] law would handle this situation. However, I can put forward some general thoughts on the matter and suggest that you might want to contact a custody lawyer in [STATE] to find out. In addition, you may want to contact your profession’s licensing board to ask if there is a legal or ethical policy on how to handle this.

Some things to ask an attorney may be whether the custody order may be binding only on the parents, not you, since you were not a party in the case. Therefore, you may want to ask an attorney whether or not you’d have to get involved in what the custody order says. You may also be able to find out whether or not you have an obligation based on your own therapist’s licensing standards.

Perhaps it may be the case that if one parent puts the child in therapy without contacting the other parent, and the other parent finds out, s/he may be able to take the first parent back to court for violating the order. However, I don’t know if you would have any responsibility to contact the other parent or not - or whether it would just be between the two parents and not involve you. Please do not construe this as legal advice for your particular situation. Again, you may want to confirm this with someone in [STATE] who has knowledge of this situation – either the therapists’ licensing board or a custody law attorney, which you can find here:LINK