.I gave temporary custody to a relative. How can I get my kids back now?
When you gave them custody, was it through a court proceeding that produced a court order. If so, did the order have any sort of expiration date or return court date. Sometimes an order is temporary and only lasts for a certain amount of time if it is not extended – I cannot speak to how temporary orders are issued in your state. If there is an order, you may want to talk to an attorney to see if you need to go back to court to un-do the order or not. Or, do you think there is any chance that they would voluntarily give the children back to you. If so, you may want to ask an attorney if perhaps you can informally take the children back or not – I don’t know whether you would need to undo the court order anyway or not. Here is a link for free and paid lawyers: LINK and here is some info on custody in [STATE] in case that is useful: LINK
[THIS ASSUMES THAT SHE VOLUNTARILY GAVE KIDS TO THEM, AND DIDN’T LOSE CUSTODY AT TRIAL: You may want to ask a lawyer if the fact that you voluntarily gave custody away may make it a bit easier to get custody back now - I don’t know if this is an important factor or not. ]
Do you think that it is possible that the grandparents would fight you to keep custody. If so, you may want to ask an attorney what factors a judge would consider when deciding the case. Depending on how long it has been that you gave up custody, perhaps this may be a factor considered by a judge - I don’t know. Perhaps a judge may also consider the type of relationship you currently have with the kids. Are they close with you? Do they know you as their mother. How often do you see them and care for them? Again, I cannot say how your state handles this type of custody proceeding and whether any of these factors may be considered - this is just general info that may apply to some states and not others.