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Custody & Kidnapping

Can teenage child decide not to see other parent (no court order)

Often times, although I cannot speak to your state or your situation, when there is not a custody order that dictates certain visitation times, a custodial parent may be able to decide when and where his/her child visits with the other parent. Often times, if a parent denies contact, the other parent may then file for visitation or custody. You may want to speak to a lawyer who works with custody issues in STATE to ask about whether this applies to your situation in your state. Also, realistically, you may want to ask the lawyer about even if the father did apply for visitation in court, whether or not the judge would force a teenager to see a parent who s/he does not want to see. Here is the information that we have on custody and visitation in STATE: LINK and here is a link for lawyers: LINK