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Custody & Kidnapping

Is the custody order we had before we got back together still valid if we are now broken up again?

Although I cannot speak to your situation in particular, in general, orders issued by a judge may be valid until the judge changes the order at the request of one party. A party may file to modify an order if there have been a substantial change of circumstances since the order was issued. Regarding your question of whether or not the order is still valid, unfortunately I do not know if there may be any sort of law in your state that may speak to whether or not a custody order becomes invalid in some way if the parents resume living together for a period of time since I do not know STATE laws. You may want to talk to a lawyer in STATE for advice on whether or not living together affects the validity of the order at all or whether or not you may need to formally declare your intentions to the other parent of following the order in some way. Here is a link for lawyers, some of which may be free or low-cost if you qualify:LINK And here is custody information about STATE if you would like to read through it:LINK