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Child Support

.Child/father asks if father can give support directly to child instead of the mother

In some states, a child of a certain age can file for child support on his/her own if the custodial parent does not file. I do not know whether or not this is possible in STATE. If there is already a child support order in which the payments go to the custodial parent, but the non-custodial parent or the child now wants the payments to go directly to the child, this is something that the non-custodial parent may want to get legal advice about first, before re-directing the payments. The parent may want to get advice from an attorney to figure out whether or not this would be legal and whether or not s/he may be opening himself/herself up to being in violation of the order if the payments are not given to the custodial parent. In general, if there is a current order for support directing payment to the custodial parent, and the non-custodial parent does something other that what s/he is ordered to do in the order, s/he may be at risk of violating the order and exposed to legal consequences. Again, anyone considering this may want to contact an attorney for advice. Here is a link for legal services in STATE:LINK