.Adult asks if she can get c.s. against her father for when she was a kid. No court order
Regarding filing for child support for prior years where there was no order in place, in many states, this may not permitted or there may be a limit on the number of years of child support that a person can request. We don’t have information on our website about this topic but I did a search on the Internet and found this website, which talks about the time limits in each state (NOTE TO STUDENT, GOOGLE THE WRITER’S STATE AND SUING FOR CHILD SUPPORT BACK PAY AND SEE IF YOU CAN FIND RELEVANT INFO): LINK However, please know that we are not associated with this site so I can’t verify the information to say whether it is accurate or not.
In terms of whether or not you can file for support for the years that you were a child, you may want to ask an attorney if you would have what is called “standing” (legal power) to file this claim - if your mother supported you as a child, then you may want to ask the attorney if your mother might be the one owed the money as opposed to you or if you may have the right to file. I do not know.
Here is a link for free legal services in STATE:LINK