.Can state press charges for rape without victim's consent?
Although I cannot speak to your state, generally speaking, since criminal cases are technically brought on behalf of the state (and not the victim), a prosecutor can press charges or move forward with a case without the victim’s consent or cooperation. This is often known as “victimless prosecution” - it is most often used in the context of domestic violence cases, and I’m not sure whether or not it can also happen in sexual assault cases. This may vary depending on the policy of the prosecutor’s office, so you may want to consider calling your local District Attorney’s office to find out. Some District Attorneys’ offices also have victim advocates that work in the office, and they may be able to speak with you and help you understand more about whether or not there may be victimless prosecutions in your area.
Lastly, you might also want to contact a local sexual assault organization to talk to an advocate there. They may be able to provide more specific information, as well as provide you with additional information, resources, and support. If you would like to reach out to one (or a few) of these organizations, you can search for those in your area here: LINK to LOCAL PROGRAMS. You may also want to talk to a national sexual assault organization for additional support and information - you can find those here: LINK TO NATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS/SEXUAL ASSAULT