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: Nebraska

Restraining Orders

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18 de diciembre de 2023

How long does a sexual assault protection order last?

If the judge does not grant your ex parte sexual assault protection order, you may still have a chance to return to court for a final order. The abuser must be served with notice of the case. If the abuser requests a hearing, the courts will schedule a hearing within 14 days of service so that you have a chance to prove that you need a final sexual assault protection order. If the judge grants you an order at that hearing, the order will remain in effect for one year.1

If the judge grants an ex parte sexual assault protection order, the abuser must be served with a copy of that order and have a chance to request a hearing. If the abuser requests the hearing, the judge will use the hearing to decide whether to cancel your order or continue it for one year. If the abuser does not request a hearing within 5 days of being served with the protection order (or if the judge grants you an order at that hearing), the order will remain in effect for one year without having any further court hearings.1

In either case, if the abuser doesn’t request the show-cause hearing, you would not have to face the abuser in court.

1 NE R.S. § 28-311.11(7)