WomensLaw serves and supports all survivors, no matter their sex or gender.


Technology (iphones, etc)

V's phone is connected to A's icloud and he is "tracking her movements"


To get some information about the iphone issue, I reached out to a technology expert from our Safety Net project (http://nnedv.org/projects/safetynet.html) and this is what she explained to me regarding the iphone tracking that you are mentioning: There are a couple things this could mean. It could mean that the phone line is connected to her ex’s phone account, so she’s on a family plan with him. In this case, he would be able to know where the phone because he is the account holder of that phone line. If that’s his only connection, he can track her movements because he has some kind of family locating type service or app on the daughter’s phone. [IF THE V IS IN CALIFORNIA, MENTION THIS: If this is the case, your daughter may have the option to spin off her phone line from his. California just passed a new law in July 2016 that allows victims to spin off their phone numbers from the abusers. Here is the bill: http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml And I just added the actual law to our WomensLaw.org statutes page, here: www.womenslaw.org/statutes_detail.php?statute_id=8205]

Another possibility is that the icloud account on your daughter’s iphone is either the ex’s icloud account OR the ex has access to her icloud account. This is another way he could track her movements. If he merely has access to your daughter’s icloud – your daughter can turn off the “track my phone” feature on her phone (Settings/Privacy/Location Services/System Services/Find My Iphone). She can also sign into her icloud account and turn off whatever is being backed up onto the account. She can remove any other emails or accounts associated with her icloud account. (See this page for details: http://techsafety.org/iphoneguide.) If the account on her icloud is actually his, then it will be tougher. She’d have to remove his icloud account from her phone, which means she might have to reset her phone and start from scratch. I can send you more instructions on how to do this if it turns out that this is what is going on - please write back if your daughter confirms that this is her situation. [AND THEN ADD INFO FROM OTHER SAMPLE LANG ABOUT ICLOUD]