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Technology (iphones, etc)

Abuser has V's phone on his icloud - he won't release her from it. What can she do? (info on resetting an iphone)

If someone gets a new phone, it’s possible to create a new icloud account and associate his/her new Apple phone to the new account. However, if your phone is still connected to your ex’s icloud account, then he would still be able to access your phone even if you got a new phone.  However, it’s possible to reset a phone (instead of buying a new one) by following these directions: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201351. Sometimes it is suggested to not use the back up function, since that may require logging back into one’s original apple ID - but then it is important to make a note of all of one’s settings, accounts, apps, etc. to remember what was on the phone. Here’s information on how a person reset a phone without needing a password: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204306. A person can use the “recovery mode” method in order to not sign into his/her itunes or icloud (since both are probably associated with your ex’s account.) If you reset your phone (as described above), when you restart it, it should just start it like it is a brand new iphone. You can create a new icloud account with a new email address and start from scratch. This will mean that you will lose all of your apps and accounts associated with the original Apple ID account. And you won’t be able to access it/them anymore. Here’s a link to Safety Net’s new guide on iPhone privacy & security: http://techsafety.org/iphoneguideour It is also generally suggested to update one’s passwords (and if possible username & email addresses) on all apps. If you need to move your phone line out of your ex’s wireless phone account, you can call the Safety Net team and they can talk through the options of how to do that. Their number is 202-543-5566 - and ask for someone in the Safety Net team.

It may also be possible for a person who is a victim of domestic abuse to try to get a restraining order (if s/he is eligible) in which the victim can request that the judge order that the abuser share the password or get the phone reset. I cannot say whether a judge in your state would order that type of relief, but that may be something to ask a lawyer or the court clerk about. A person can generally file for a restraining order without the assistance of a lawyer. You can find information about restraining orders on our website here: LINK You may also be able to get some support or assistance from an advocate in your state if you do decide to access the court system. You can find listings for local domestic violence programs here: LINK