V is afraid to call police bec of an outstanding warrant or immigration issues - info on other ways to stay safe**
Your concerns about calling the police are not uncommon - for many victims, they feel that going to the police may make the situation worse or they may have immigration concerns about getting involved with the police. [ADD THIS IF SHE SAYS SHE IS WORRIED BEC THERE IS A WARRANT AGAINST HER: I can see why you might be concerned to call the police when you have a warrant against you but do you know for sure if the police would run your name through their system when they arrive? If you are unsure if they would run the name of both parties who are present or only of the person who they are arresting, you may want to talk to a local domestic violence advocate to see if s/he knows. If s/he is not sure what the procedure is in your county, perhaps you may want to ask if s/he would call the police anonymously to ask what their procedure is regarding this issue and then you can make a decision as to what you want to do. Here is a link for local domestic violence programs in your area if you want to reach out to an advocate: LINK]
For whatever reason that a victim does not want to go to the police, there are still other things that someone can do in abusive situation. Our website has a list of local domestic violence resource centers and shelters here that may offer counseling, support groups, and help with safety planning: [INSERT STATE AND LOCAL PROGRAMS LINK] For information to help you get started on a safety plan, go here: http://www.womenslaw.org/simple.php?sitemap_id=3.
One option that may keep a victim safe without having to go to the police is to file for a restraining order in civil court, which could order the abuser to leave the home, to stay away, and to not have any contact with the victim, among other protections. For more information on restraining orders and how to get one, go here: [INSERT RESTRAINING ORDER INFO] And here is a link for lawyers free and paid if you want to get legal advice or help with your situation: LINK