WomensLaw serves and supports all survivors, no matter their sex or gender.



.Encouraging counseling for V and kids**

Counseling may be available in your area for survivors of abuse and their children. Even when parents believe their children have not witnessed the violence or are too young to understand, often times, the children have witnessed or heard some type of abusive behavior or have seen the effects of it. Even if the children are young, therapists have ways of helping children express their feelings and fears through art therapy, play therapy, etc. Also, being part of a survivor support group or getting individual counseling could help a survivor deal with his/her own trauma that s/he has experienced as well.

Here are some domestic violence organizations that may be able to provide this type of support for yourself and/or your children or refer you to a place that can if you are interested:LINK Also, the American Psychological Association has a link to find therapists in each state here: http://locator.apa.org/ We are not affiliated with them in any way but I offer it for your information only.