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Suing Abuser for Damages

Pros and cons of filing in small claims court

Some of the pros are that it can be empowering to take someone to court for an injustice – the con, however, is that losing the case can have the opposite effect. Also, going to small claims court can end up with the plaintiff getting a money judgment against the defendant – the con, however, is that if the defendant doesn’t pay it, enforcing a money judgment can be a difficult process. Another pro is that just filing the small claims case may scare the defendant into stopping the behavior or paying the debt owed to avoid court – the con, however, is that it could have the opposite effect and anger the defendant.

Although we don’t usually link to .coms, I found an article on the website mic.com that seemed to highlight many of the pros and cons of filing cases in small claims court that I would have thought to mention. I hope that all of this information is helpful.