Is the address to a shelter really confidential?
Generally, shelters will take great lengths to keep their address confidential from the public by using a P.O. Box instead of their street address on all communications and putting rules in place that prohibit residents from telling anyone the address. However, it is probably not realistic to think that some residents aren’t telling close family/friends about their location or that current/former employees at the shelter haven’t revealed the shelter address. In addition, although it could vary by state, often the police would know the location as well as possibly any government funders that would need to know. In addition, realistically, often neighbors to the shelter know that the home/building is a shelter. If you are thinking of going into shelter and you are worried about your security and safety, you may want to connect with a domestic violence advocate at the shelter or at another local program to figure out how best to stay safe. We have some “Safety Tips” to get you started, and you can find an advocate on our website to help you make a personalized safety plan. [HYPERLINK TO LOCAL PROGRAMS]