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Restraining Orders

I changed jobs/moved. Should I update my address on the RO?

Although I cannot speak to your specific situation or how things are handled in your state, whether or not a person decides to change the specific address in a stay-away portion of a protection order may depend on whether or not the respondent is only ordered to stay away from specific addresses or whether or not the respondent is also ordered to stay away for the petitioner wherever s/he may be found. If a respondent is only ordered to stay away from specific addresses, an outdated address in the stay-away provision of a protection order may affect the protections that the petitioner has and it may not be a violation if the respondent shows up at the actual address where the petitioner is. However, if the order states the respondent has to stay away from the petitioner or just has a general term like “Stay away from the petitioner’s work or home” without listing specific addresses, perhaps s/he may still be able to prove a violation of the respondent comes to any address that the petitioner is at.Again, I cannot talk about your situation or tell you whether or not you should update the address or whether or not there may be any other effects in your state of not updating the address. For legal advice, here is a link for lawyers, some of which may be free or low-cost: LINK And here is more information on modifying protection orders in your state in case that is useful:LINK TO SPECIFIC QUESTION ON MODIFYING IF WE HAVE ONE