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Restraining Orders

Laws current as of August 19, 2023

Can a child be added to an RO?

The answer to this question often differs by state, county and even by judge - I cannot say for sure how this is handled in STATE or in your county or even with the judge you may end up in front of. Some judges will add a child to a restraining order if the judge believes that the abusive parent may pose a threat or danger in any way to the child, even if the child was not abused. Other judges may only add the child if the child was directly endangered (such as if the mother was holding the child when the other parent began to abuse her) while still other judges may only add the child if the child was abused. Since I don’t specifically know how this situation is handles in STATE, you may be able to get legal advice from a lawyer if you want to know this before filing for an order.

You can find free or low-cost lawyers on our website. [HYPERLINK] Also, here is more information on restraining orders in STATE, in case it is useful. [HYPERLINK]