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Restraining Orders

What does it mean when a respondent can get personal belongings?

I am assuming that you are referring to the fact that when one person gets a protection order against another, the respondent may be allowed to get his/her personal belongings and clothing, correct. Although I cannot say the specific definition of this in STATE, in many states, this means only undisputed belongings of the respondent - in other words, items that are clearly the respondent’s (such as toiletries, glasses, his/her clothing, passport, work papers, uniforms, shoes, etc.) - it usually does not mean items that were purchased together for the home that both parties believe are theirs (like jointly-bought furniture, jointly-bought electronics, etc.). The purpose of this is usually to allow the respondent to live a normal life outside of the home while dealing with being removed due to a protection order. For more specific information and advice about your particular situation, you may want to talk to a lawyer. Here is a link for free and paid lawyers: LINK and here is a link with more info on restraining orders in your state in case that is useful: LINK