A asks: How can I remove my belongings? (RO v. A)
Although I cannot speak to your specific situation, often the order will allow for a police escort to get belongings and may specify the time/date - with that the respondent may show the order to the police to get their accompaniment to the home. Also, even if there is nothing specific in the order, some police forces will still accompany someone to the home to retrieve belongings - again, I don’t know what the policy is in your local police force but you may want to ask. Another option that someone may have who wants to get a police escort is to file to modify the order to ask for this to be included. If you are not sure what to do, you may want to get legal advice. Here is a link for free and paid lawyers:LINK Lastly, here is some information on protective orders in STATE in case that is helpful in some way:LINK