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Restraining Orders

I have RO v. ex-boyfrd. Can his sister come over?

As long as the restraining order doesn’t specify otherwise, it should only apply to your ex-boyfriend, and his sister should be able to visit freely. You may want to re-read your order to remind yourself of the specifics, and if you aren’t sure about any part, you may want to contact a lawyer in your area who can tell you exactly what the order allows/prohibits. Here’s a link that can help you find private, as well as free and low-cost attorneys in STATE: LINK

Is a face-to-face meeting with his sister likely to anger your ex-boyfriend? I think it’s great that you want your children to stay in touch with their aunt, but you may still want to consider the potential safety issues that could arise. You may want to be mindful that any information about you and your children (where you live, work, etc.) that you pass on to his sister may be available to him someday. I don’t know the specifics of your situation, or how violent/dangerous your ex-boyfriend may be, but if you aren’t comfortable with him knowing where you are living, you may want to consider meeting his sister at a neutral location or a friend’s house. Here’s a link to our website’s page with all sorts information on how to stay safe in these types of situations: http://hotline.womenslaw.org/info/simple.php?sitemap_id=3