WomensLaw serves and supports all survivors, no matter their sex or gender.


Restraining Orders

How do I get A's criminal records for RO hearing?

Was he convicted of assaulting you or just arrested. If there was only an arrest but no conviction, you can call the police precinct where you reported the assault to and give them the approximate date. They should be able to look up the incident report that was filled out either by date or by your name. Ask them for a copy of it. They might make you go in in person and show ID that it is really you.

If he was convicted, you can go to the courthouse where he was convicted and go to the court clerk and say that you need his conviction record. You will likely need his date of birth and his full name to find it. Conviction records are accessible to the public so you shouldn’t have a problem getting it unless he took a plea bargain where the case would be dismissed after a certain period of him staying out of trouble – then there might be no record of the conviction.