If I am on the lease of a car with the abuser, can I get off of the lease?
Although I cannot speak to your situation, generally when someone co-signs a car lease and are both obligated to the company for the monthly payments, both parties may need to be in agreement to take the steps necessary to try to remove one of the signers from the loan/lease. I found some basic information on an outside website that seems to explain the various steps that it may take for someone to try to get off of a co-signed loan. Please understand that WomensLaw is not affiliated with this website and cannot vouch for the information contained on it. Perhaps if you want to talk to a lawyer for advice, the lawyer can tell you if there are any other options aside from those listed on these websites. You can find free and also paid lawyers on our website. [HYPERLINK]
Otherwise, generally, a co-signer can be liable to the loan company for the whole amount if the other person doesn’t pay the loan/lease. Generally, the company can go after either, or both, people for the full amount left on the loan/lease regardless of which person is actually in possession of the vehicle. In general, if the co-signer ends up making loan/lease payments due to the other person’s failure to pay, it may be possible for the co-signer to sue the person in small claims court for reimbursement. It would then be up to a judge to decide if the other person should be responsible for the payments that the co-signer made. If you want to learn more about small claims court in your state, we have some information on our website. [HYPERLINK TO SUE ABUSER]