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V thinks she is being poisoned by A


First, has she contacted the police about this? I know it may sound unbelievable that someone could be poisoned slowly over many years but abusers can often be crafty and vicious in coming up with ways to abuse their victims. So, it could be possible that this is really going on. The police should investigate, especially if she brings in any medical records she may have showing traces of the poison in her system.

Although I am not an expert on this subject by any means, I know that when a person is being poisoned over a long period of time, it can show up in the hair and that could be a way to detect how long and how often the person was poisoned. I don’t know if the police would do this test to aid in their investigation or if they would send her to the hospital to do it but it could be something to talk about.

If the police won’t take her seriously, or if you think she comes off as not credible, maybe you or another trusted friend or relative can go with her to help her explain herself to the police. Then you can work your way up the chain of command if they are not investigating this.

Another place to start, would be to call the National Poison Control Center at 1-800-222-1222. They may be able to tell you more about the symptoms of [FILL IN TYPE OF POISON - CYANIDE, ETC] poisoning.

It seems that if she suspects this poisoning, she may want to immediately get herself away from her husband. This could help her figure out if the symptoms stop once they are separated. Also, she needs to protect herself. If she is being abused by her husband, she might want to consider filing for an order of protection, to try to get him out of the house. You can read more about that on our website here: LINK

To find a lawyer, you can visit our website here: LINK

It might also be helpful for her to contact a domestic violence organization near her who can help. To find one please visit our website here: LINK