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Housing issues / eviction

My landlord increased my rent a lot - is that legal?

In general, when deciding if a rent increase is legal, there may be a few things to consider. 1) Is the rent increase coming during the term of a lease or once the lease is up. Generally, if a person has a written lease that is signed, a landlord cannot increase the rent during the lease but can increase it when the lease ends. 2) Is the apartment protected under any sort of government rent regulation laws? Or some sort of subsidized housing laws in which the rent is based on the person’s income? Or is the landlord benefiting from any tax breaks from the government in exchange for maintaining “affordable housing” of some sort? Or is the tenant protected under any other government program due to being a senior citizen, perhaps? If not, in general, a landlord has the right to increase the rent as much as s/he wants. It is not uncommon that an owner who has a good tenant may not raise the rent in order to keep that tenant but then a new owner comes in, and raises the rent to as much as s/he feels s/he can get in the current rental market.

After an internet search, I found some STATE-specific information about rent increases from XXX, which may be useful: NOTE TO STUDENT, SEARCH FOR THIS INFO IN HER STATE AND SEE IF YOU FIND A .ORG OR .GOV TO LINK HER TO

In order to get advice on your particular situation, you may want to consult with a legal services attorney to see if perhaps there are any restrictions or protections that may apply to you that may prohibit such a rent increase. Here is a link for lawyers:LINK