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Housing issues / eviction

I have been living in an apt for a long time - can the owner evict me for no reason?

We do not have any type of general housing information on our website, WomensLaw.org. However, I can give you some basic general information about how rental situations work in many states and you can confirm with a STATE housing attorney whether or not this applies to you. In general, if someone has a lease, this generally allows the person to stay in the apartment for the term of the lease unless s/he violates the lease in some way. Once the lease is up, it may be up to the landlord whether s/he wants to offer a renewal lease or not – if one is not offered, the tenant may have to leave or face legal eviction proceedings.

If a person does not have a lease, then often a monthly tenancy can be created if the person pays rent monthly and the tenancy can be terminated by the landlord with a month’s notice. In other words, a landlord doesn’t necessarily have to “evict” someone for violating a lease. The landlord may just choose to terminate the monthly tenancy at the end of the month for any non-discriminatory reason or for no reason at all. I cannot say whether these general rules apply to STATE because I do not know STATE housing laws so talking to a knowledgeable lawyer is generally best. Here is a link for lawyers in STATE if you want to try to get advice:LINK