WomensLaw serves and supports all survivors, no matter their sex or gender.


Housing issues / eviction

How do I keep someone from coming to my house?

In general, if someone has legal rights to be in a home, there could be two ways to get the person out of the home: 1) through a restraining order [HYPERLINK] that removes (excludes) the person or 2) through a housing court eviction proceeding.

In general, if someone does not have legal rights to be in a home, then the rightful owner (or tenant) can notify the person that they are not welcomed in the home and can ask them to leave if they come. If the person refuses to leave, and the person has been put on notice that they are not allowed there, then the person could be committing trespassing [HYPERLINK TO THIS CRIME ON OUR CRIMES PAGE - IF WE DON’T HAVE IT, LOOK FOR IT IN THE STATUTE AND PROVIDE IT] and the legal owner (or tenant) could call the police.