Tenant next door is annoying, LL won't act (covenant of quiet enjoyment)
As you are experiencing, it can be a very difficult situation to deal with when a fellow tenant is behaving in such a way that affects another tenant. If the troublesome tenant is violating their lease or causing a “nuisance,” these are reasons that the person can be evicted. However, the only entity that can take action to evict the troublesome tenant is the landlord (or management company). If the troublesome tenant is paying their rent, then the landlord may not have any incentive to go through the whole eviction process, which involves time and money. If the landlord refuses to take action, you may want to talk to a lawyer [HYPERLINK] who represents tenants to see if there is any sort of legal claim that you can file against your landlord related to the covenant of quiet enjoyment. We don’t have information on our website about this because WomensLaw.org is for victims of domestic violence but I found this other website that explains the covenant of quiet enjoyment.[GOOGLE COVENANT OF QUIET ENJOYMENT AND HER STATE AND SEE IF YOU FIND ANY ARTICLES ON IT - OR, LINK TO THIS WEBSITE & MENTION THAT IT REFERENCES CALIFORNIA LAW BUT IF SHE ISN’T IN CA, THE REST OF THE INFO CAN STILL BE USEFUL: https://www.rentecdirect.com/blog/quiet-enjoyment/] However, please know that we are not affiliated with that website and cannot vouch for the information.