If family supported V bec A gave her no money, can family get that money back in their divorce?
Although I cannot speak to STATE laws in particular, in general, a person may not be able to get money back that s/he gave to another person unless there is a contract/agreement for this to happen. For example, if the person giving the money makes it clear that the money is a loan and the person who accepts it confirms that it is a loan and they both agree on how/when the money will be paid back – in these types of cases, if the money isn’t paid back, the loan-giver may be able to sue someone in small claims court or that debt may be able to be included in the divorce as a marital debt and divided up as part of a divorce along with other assets and debts of the marriage. Again, I cannot speak to your specific situation and whether or not the person who gave this money would have a good chance of getting it back or not - perhaps you or the person who gave the money may want to talk to a lawyer to get advice on this issue, specific to your situation and specific to STATE law. Here is a link for lawyers, free and paid:LINK