WomensLaw serves and supports all survivors, no matter their sex or gender.


Education/job assistance and financial aid for DV victims

Links for education assistance for DV victims

I also did a Google search, and I found this website about educational programs for women (please note, however, that this website is not affiliated with WomensLaw.org, so we can’t vouch for its accuracy): http://www.educationconnection.com/grants-for-women/?&cid=Content_Google…

I also found this website via a Google search, which gives more sources for financial assistance for people who have experienced domestic violence. Again, please note that since this website isn’t affiliated with WomensLaw.org, we can’t vouch for its accuracy: http://www.federalgrantswire.com/violence-against-women-office-departmen…

National Resource Center on Domestic Violence has a list of some grants.