Basic options when served with divorce papers
In general, there are a couple of options for a person who needs help filing a divorce response.
1. It may be helpful to consult with a lawyer who may be able to assist with paperwork and/or legal advice even if s/he cannot assist with full representation. For a link to local lawyers in STATE (some may be free or low-cost if you qualify), please see: LINK
2. Many courts have self-help centers that assist people without attorneys with filling out court paperwork. On our website, we have a list of courthouse locations where someone one file for a protection order listed by STATE (and divided by county/town) - however, I cannot say if these would be the same courthouses where a divorce would be handled. The courthouse contact info should be listed on the court papers you received - or you could call the courthouse in your county on our list to ask if it is where divorces are handled: LINK. It may be helpful to find out from the courthouse if this type of self-help service is available or offered.
3. A number of domestic violence local programs may have attorneys or court advocates on staff who may be able to make referrals to lawyers. For a link to local organizations (by county), please see: LINK