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Custody & Kidnapping

I have supervised visitation. Can I see my child at school and say hello? Can I go to school events?

Although I cannot speak to your situation, in many situations where supervised visitation is issued, the judge is only allowing the child to be with the parent in the company of a supervisor because the judge has some concerns about the interaction between the parent and child and wants there to be someone there to witness the interaction and to “supervise” the visit. Therefore, in many situations, the judge may not approve of intentional contact that is made outside of the supervised visitation schedule. However, if a parent unintentionally runs into a child in public, a judge may not look upon this interaction in the same way if the parent interacts with the child. In other words, unless there is also some sort of specific restraining order keeping the parent away from the child at all other times except for the supervised visit, I would imagine that many judges would not expect a parent to ignore the child in public and stay away from the child. However, FILL IN NAME, as I mentioned originally, I cannot say how the judge in your specific situation would view any sort of interaction with your child outside of the supervised visits and whether seeing your child at his/her school would negatively affect your custody case or violate your supervised visitation order in some way. Do you have a lawyer representing you who you can ask? If not, you may want to show your court order to a lawyer, ask your specific questions and get legal advice for your specific situation. You may also want to ask a lawyer whether or not it would be in your best interest to try to amend your court order to specifically allow for the type of contact that you are asking about, including incidental contact at the school and also in terms of specifically allowing you to attend any and all school events of your child. Or in some instances where there is already an upcoming court date planned, the parent may decide to just ask the judge in court to amend the order to include specific clarifications. Here is a link for legal services where you can hopefully get legal advice: LINK