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Custody & Kidnapping

Parents have joint custody; A refusing to sign important papers for kids

Sometimes, when there is joint custody, a custody order provides for some sort of mediation or arbitration if the parents cannot decide on issues jointly. Other times, a parent may try to go back to court to ask a judge to order certain steps to be taken by the other parent, although I am not sure of which types of issues judges may get involved with. Do you know if your order has any specific actions for each parent to take to resolve such issues that cannot be agreed upon. In other situations where parents cannot agree on major issues, a parent may try to modify a court order to ask that one parent be allowed to decide certain issues regarding the children. I am not sure how these types of situations are handled in STATE. Perhaps you can speak to an attorney to see whether or not you may be able to go back to court to ask the judge to intervene and order certain signatures, etc., or whether or not you may be able to try to modify the order, or whether or not there are other ways to resolve these issues in your county/state. Here is a link for lawyers, free and paid in the hope that you can find one to advise/represent you: LINK Lastly, in case it is useful, here is a link to custody information about STATE: LINK