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Court Procedures / Evidence / Service

Two visitation petitions were filed in different counties

Often times when a person files a petition, the court clerks may run a check to see whether or not there are other cases with the same name to avoid multiple petitions in different courts. I do not now the procedure in your state as to whether or not this is done for all courts state-wide or perhaps just in the county where it is file, or if such a search is not performed at all. Sometimes if there are competing petitions in different courts, both may be brought to the judge’s attention on the first court date and the judge may decide where the case should be held - sometimes a judge may consult with the other court or sometimes it may go by whichever petition was filed first if both are properly filed. I cannot say what is done in your state. Perhaps you may want to talk to a lawyer to find out how this situation is handled in your county and whether or not you may be able to file something in court before the case to try to transfer one of the cases, etc. Here is a link for lawyers, free and paid:LINK

Also, in case it is useful, here is some information about custody and visitation in STATE from our website: LINK