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Court Procedures / Evidence / Service

A is contesting service of RO - what happens?

In general, when someone is contesting service (denying proper service), there may be a hearing where the petitioner can present witnesses and evidence to prove proper service. I cannot speak to the specific way this is handles in STATE or what would be expected of you, especially if service was handled by the police. In other words, I don’t know if you would be required to try to get the police to come to court to testify or if the court may request the officer’s presence, etc. You may want to talk to a lawyer about getting representation at the hearing and to find out what your duty is as petitioner to prove proper service, to ask about presenting witnesses and evidence, etc. Here is a link to lawyers, free and paid in STATE: LINK Also, here is a link to information about protection orders in STATE in case that is useful: LINK as well as information on how to prepare oneself for a restraining order hearing: http://www.womenslaw.org/simple.php?sitemap_id=32