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Información Legal: Tennessee

Órdenes de Restricción

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Laws current as of
27 de noviembre de 2023

¿Cuál es la definición legal de maltrato doméstico?

Para propósitos de conseguir una orden de protección, “maltrato doméstico” es cuando  un familiar o miembro del hogar hace algo de lo siguiente:

  • hace o intenta hacer daño físico o hace que usted tenga miedo de sufrir daño físico;
  • le restringe físicamente o hace que usted tenga miedo de sufrir restricción física;
  • destruye o daña su propiedad a propósito; o
  • financially abuses you.1

“Financial abuse,” as mentioned in #4 above, means acting in a way that is coercive, deceptive, or unreasonably controls your ability to get or keep economic resources that you have a right to. This can mean restricting your access to money, assets, credit, or financial information, as well as unfairly using your money, assets, or credit to gain an advantage. It can also mean having improper influence (“exerting undue influence”) over your financial behavior or decisions, including:

  • forcing you to default on individual or joint financial obligations;
  • exploiting a power of attorney, guardianship, or conservatorship; or
  • not acting in your best interests if s/he has a duty to protect your best interests (“fiduciary duty”).2

1 TN ST § 36-3-601(1)
2 TN ST § 36-3-601(13)